Meet the Team: Tess Riley, Graduate Developer

Meet the Team: Tess Riley, Graduate Developer

We’re excited to introduce Tess Riley, who joined Buchan Offshore Wind in early 2024 as a Graduate Developer. Tess’s blend of scientific expertise and enthusiasm for renewable energy is already making a significant impact on our team.

Background and Experience

Tess graduated with a degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Aberdeen, where she honed her knowledge in environmental science. Prior to Buchan Offshore Wind, she worked at NatureScot on the Scottish Marine Environmental Enhancement Fund and in service delivery support. Her experience is proving invaluable as she supports our consents team and engages with community initiatives in the North East of Scotland.

Why Buchan Offshore Wind?

Tess was drawn to Buchan Offshore Wind by her passion for renewable energy. She explains,

“Renewable energy is something I am really excited about, and getting involved in a floating offshore wind project means I get to be part of the start of something very cool!”

What Tess Loves About the Team

Tess values the friendly and supportive atmosphere at Buchan Offshore Wind.

“The thing I enjoy most about working here is definitely the team—everyone is so nice and willing to help, which makes it a great place to start out in offshore wind.”

A typical day for Tess involves supporting the consents team with their needs as the project prepares for the consent application process, as well as exploring various community initiatives that the project can engage with in the North East of Scotland.

Outside the Office

Outside of work, Tess enjoys attending gigs, reading, and taking walks that often end with a delicious cake! She dreams of having the superpower of teleportation to travel instantly and sustainably.

Words of Wisdom

One of the best pieces of advice Tess has received is, “It’s better to do something scared than not at all,” and her favourite quote that she lives by is, “It’s everyone’s first try at life.”

Thank you for the inspiring words of wisdom, Tess, and for your continued contributions to the Buchan Offshore Wind project!

Graham Repper